Frequently Asked Questions

How does Homepro Connections handle my credit card data?
We use Square for all storage, processing, and transmission of your card data. Square complies with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).
Why don't you show the average costs for the services?
We are not clairvoyant. We have no idea how much your job will cost. However, our HomePros know, and they will do it for free.
Other sites will show what others near me are paying for services. Why don't you?
Do you really need to know that your project will cost between $50 and $44,000? Only a HomePro can give you an accurate estimate on your job and they will always give you a quote for free.
What if I am too busy and I don't want a lead?
As a HomePro, you never pay for a lead that you do not want. We use an opt-in methodology for lead distribution. Instead of pushing leads to every HomePro that provides service in the job area, we offer leads to our HomePros on their dashboard and allow them to select which leads are accepted and rejected. HomePros are never charged for a lead that they do not accept.
What if the client says he did not ask for the services, do I have to pay for the lead?
That situation does not exist. Our staff phone qualifies every lead before offering it to our HomePros. If you take the lead, we guarantee that a homeowner is serious about having the work done. If, for some reason, a homeowner claims that they did not request a quote, we will refund the lead fee for that lead.
How much do I pay for each lead?
Lead fees are computed at 1% of the estimated job amount. If the job is estimated at $1500, then the lead fee would be $15.
Do premium members have to pay when someone clicks on their information?
No, there are no 'click' fees. As a premium member, all of your information is displayed to the user.
If I go on vacation, do I still get charged for leads? Is there someway that I can suspend my service?
There is no need to suspend your account. You will never be charged for a lead the you do not accept. Leads that are ignored for more than a half a day are reassigned to other HomePros.